
Residential Products

Trane Home Comfort products
Trane offers a complete line of residential Home Comfort products that deliver reliable, dependable comfort and efficiency year after year. Denillo Home heating and cooling systems are among the best values in the industry in every efficiency category.

For information about specific products click here.

clean effects

Clean Effects
How does TRANE CleanEffects stack up against other air cleaners? TRANE CleanEffects utilizes patented breakthrough air cleaning technology to remove up to an astounding 99.98% of airborne allergens from the air that passes through the filter, making it 8 times more effective than even the best HEPA filters and 100 times more effective than a standard 1" filter or ionic-type room appliance. What's more, TRANE CleanEffects has been performance-tested by LMS Technologies and Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc, with the results verified by professors from the Harvard School of Public Health, so you know you're getting an expert air-filtration system like no other.

clean effects makeover

packaged units

Packaged Units
Everything You Need In One Cabinet. Packaged unit heating and air conditioning systems contain the same components you find in a typical split system, however, they’re all engineered to work together in one cabinet. And, just like other Trane systems, you have a variety of efficiency levels and air handling options to select from.

Take a look at our family of packaged units. Our brief feature descriptions will help you find the packaged unit that best fits your comfort needs.

For information about packaged units click here.

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